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Missions of HYOsung Researchers: Revive the Planet

As numerous brands across various industries, one-sided traditional communication methods have become increasingly difficult to leave a lasting impression on consumers. Staying memorable to consumers requires a two-way communication approach that fosters a sense of connection. The use of character marketing has become increasingly popular among companies as a means of achieving this goal. *Character Marketing Character marketing refers to using existing or newly created characters to establish a company's brand image or promote its trademarks and products. While character marketing was previously limited to specific industries targeting children, it is now utilized in various sectors such as beauty, fashion, and food. Character marketing is implemented in diverse ways, including incorporating characters into existing product packaging, developing new products based on characters, or creating webtoons (online comics) featuring characters. Character marketing is utilized by many companies since it can cultivate a sense of familiarity with consumers. The stories and designs possessed by characters can create a shared understanding with consumers, making it useful for friendly communication. Moreover, active communication through character marketing can even increasing brand loyalty from consumers. Character marketing with a solid story is becoming increasingly popular, with companies creating a well-developed universe with cute and humorous characters. It is because the MZ generation, which has become a key consumer group for companies, values detailed brand stories. It can deliver the brand image without resisting the MZ generation if the company's values are incorporated into the story instead of the company name. In other words, the company's story can be told through interesting stories featuring cute characters to successfully raise awareness and favorability. Hyosung also started character marketing to communicate with consumers. We have built new characters and a worldview to deliver Hyosung's ESG brand RE:GEN's vision, mission, and value to consumers in an easier and more friendly way. HYOsung Researcher, Where Are You From? In 3033, the Earth looks drastically different from what it does today. Because of indiscriminate waste disposal, environmental pollution, and resource depletion, many species once inhabiting the planet have gone extinct. As the ice has melted, the lush and verdant nature once taken for granted has also disappeared. The only thing left on Earth in 3033 is gray buildings and factories. In our universe, there is a star called HYOsung (‘sung’: 星, which means star) that resembles Earth before it became desolate. HYOsung is a planet that is rich in resources, similar to the lush Earth of the past. HYOsung's R&D center in ANYANG has researchers named HYOGEN, HYOZERO, HYONERGY, and HYOMA. They are studying the RE:GEN project to restore the ruined Earth to its original state, ensuring that all generations living on Earth can thrive. To directly implement their research findings, they were dispatched to Earth in 2023, transcending space and time. A team of HYOsung researchers is determined to keep 2023's green Earth from becoming a wasteland, so that the devastating event of 3033 won't happen again. The researchers from the planet HYOsung who arrived on Earth disguised themselves as employees of the company 'Hyosung’, which shares the same name as their planet. While working at the company, they carry out a project called 'RE:GEN (Reply to Every Generation's Future)' for the future of Earth. The 'RE:GEN' project is based on research papers conducted on the HYOsung planet, focusing on topics such as 'circular economy', 'carbon neutrality', 'hydrogen and renewable energy', and 'smart reduction'. It aims to integrate these concepts into real business practices and promote ESG activities. This project has a specific mission to 'respond to the demands of every generation on Earth' and 'spread actions for the future of all generations'. Four researchers work together on the 'RE:GEN' project and collaborate on various ESG campaigns within the sustainable business's brand marketing team. During the day, they work in Hyosung's brand marketing team, raising awareness about Hyosung's ESG technologies and values to a wide audience. At night, they continue their research under the name HYOsung, contemplating the planet’s future and humanity. Study Field of HYOsung researchers HYOGEN, the character that studies the "circular economy," has the ability to detect plastic when wearing goggles and turn plastic into a regen product by pressing the recycling button on the bag that collects and carries the found plastic. HYOGEN investigates how products from the Hyosung Group, which aims for ZERO-Waste and builds an ecosystem, impact people's daily lives. In the process, they discover various eco-friendly fiber products such as "regen Polyester," "regen Spandex," and "regen Nylon" from Hyosung TNC. They also learn about the upcycling of airbags and eco-friendly tire codes from Hyosung Advanced Materials, as well as eco-friendly polyketone POKETONE, a plastic alternative from Hyosung Chemical. HYOZERO, the character who studies 'carbon neutrality,' has a radar that can detect carbon levels above one's head. It detects severe carbon emissions and alerts individuals who contribute to pollution. HYOZERO researches the technology and implementation capabilities of the Hyosung Group, aiming for Net-Zero by minimizing carbon emissions in production processes and all products. Additionally, it examines how effectively each Hyosung Group business unit implements carbon neutrality. HYOZERO has discovered that Hyosung TNC is making numerous efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, including measuring the carbon footprint of products, transitioning to low-carbon energy, replacing high-efficiency facilities, and supplying high-efficiency energy products and solutions. HYOZERO also learned about Hyosung Heavy Industries’ activities, including establishing climate change response organizations and strategies and winning contracts for the first domestic renewable energy transmission and distribution system. Additionally, it checked that Hyosung Advanced Materials has also established climate change response organizations and has made efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve energy, and obtain carbon labeling certification, resulting in achieving an A grade in CDP and achieving the Carbon Management Honors Club. Lastly, HYOZERO witnessed the efforts of Hyosung Chemical in building climate change response systems, as well as energy saving, greenhouse gas reduction, and expanding the use of renewable energy. HYONERGY, a character that researching "hydrogen and renewable energy," illuminates its tail when it detects energy-wasting behavior. Through its lightning bolt symbol, it has the power to stop unnecessary energy consumption and convert it into usable hydrogen or renewable energy sources. HYONERGY studies Hyosung Group, which is dedicated to exploring renewable energy for the future of our planet. HYONERGY examines the entire value chain, including materials, components, operation techniques, and distribution systems, to commercialize and improve the efficiency of hydrogen and renewable energy. Hyosung Heavy Industries has led the domestic hydrogen economy expansion, while Hyosung TNC was the first Korean company to utilize nylon as a hydrogen fuel tank liner material. Additionally, Hyosung Advanced Materials developed hydrogen fuel tanks using their proprietary carbon fiber technology. Through these endeavors, HYONERGY acknowledges that Hyosung Group's accumulated expertise and technological capabilities in the hydrogen and energy sectors form the foundation for building a value chain centered around liquid hydrogen. By holding its star in hand, HYOMA, the character who studies "Smart Reduction," can absorb energy. HYOMA absorbs the wasted electricity by its hand as soon as it witnesses the wasted energy. By utilizing an encyclopedia containing the environmental protection data from the future, HYOMA offers people the most valuable resources. HYOMA investigates whether design technology that minimizes energy consumption and resource consumption is incorporated into every step of production and operation within the Hyosung Group. Additionally, it witnessed that the Hyosung Group is developing solutions to minimize energy and resource usage. Hyosung TNC, Hyosung Advanced Materials, Hyosung Heavy Industries, Hyosung Chemical, and Hyosung ITX have implemented solutions such as transitioning to smart factories, the "C-Cube Project" for digitizing and managing information collected on-site, and adopting a paperless culture. By using adorable designs and a robust worldview, Hyosung effectively conveys the mission and values of the ESG brand RE:GEN. Using the RE:GEN characters to conduct various environmental research activities, Hyosung introduces the company's diverse ESG initiatives in the context of the future state of the planet Earth. It aims to make its efforts for environmental protection easily accessible and relatable to consumers through RE:GEN character marketing. HYOGEN, HYOZERO, HYONERGY, and HYOMA will continue their research until the Earth is free of environmental pollution and becomes brighter for future generations. Keep an eye on our four researchers' activities from HYOsung. ▶ Watch the stories of HYOsung Researchers: linked to animation and Instatoon



How Hyosung Meets with Consumers in Different Ways

Do you recall the Some Sevit ESG Color Festival? It was an eco-friendly campaign that aimed to transform the Some Sevit and Han River Park area into a vibrant display that harmonized with the natural environment amidst the gray buildings of Seoul. The festival embraced the theme of "Make Your Color" and hosted various eco-friendly programs on Some Sevit, featuring seven colors: blue, green, white, orange, yellow, purple, and pink. How about the "Hyosung TANSOME X Make Your Color Music Concert”? It was a joyful event where we all sang Hyosung's ESG brand song, "Make Your Color," using a guitar and drumstick made of carbon fiber using Hyosung's technology. Hyosung has an eco-friendly brand called RE:GEN (Reply to Every Generation's Future), and is preparing various campaigns to make the city more eco-friendly in collaboration with citizens, aligning with the slogan "Make Your Color." Alongside these efforts, Hyosung is actively involved in eco-friendly activities, striving to create a better future for every generation. Sevit ESG Color Festival The Sevit ESG Color Festival occurred on Some Sevit, marking the beginning of an eco-friendly campaign centered around the idea of joining forces to discover our eco-friendly color. The festival embraced the theme of seven colors - blue, green, white, orange, yellow, purple, and pink. It offered a range of eco-friendly activities, including wearing clothes made from eco-friendly fiber regen, experiencing collaborations with eco-friendly brands like Top Ten, Samdasu, Donggubat, CUECLYP, Buzz the Puzz, and Rewind, jogging while picking up trash in Seoul T-shirts made of regen, and practicing yoga. The festival ended with the Sevit Music Concert on the island's stage, featuring the premiere of Hyosung's eco-friendly theme song, "Make your Color," performed and produced by the Korean singer “No Brain”. Through the ESG Color Festival, Hyosung aimed to convey authentic concerns for the environment to the public, while simultaneously showcasing its technological advancements and dedication to environmental sustainability. Hyosung is committed to rejuvenating the Earth by adorning the city with eco-friendly colors, much like the Sevit ESG Color Festival did. It pledges to persist in unwavering efforts for a sustainable planet and future generations, ensuring that our daily lives are enriched with eco-friendly products. Hyosung TANSOME X ‘Make Your Color’ Music Concert Hyosung hosted the TANSOME X Make Your Color music concert to promote ESG principles and showcase the boundless possibilities of carbon fiber, a lightweight yet robust new material. The concert featured renowned punk rock bands, ‘No Brain’ and ‘Lazybone’, who performed Hyosung's ESG theme song, "Make Your Color." This song encapsulates the importance of reflecting on the well-being of our planet and future generations. Notably, the Make Your Color event held a special significance. Apart from No Brain and Lazybone, who composed and performed the ESG theme song using carbon fiber instruments, the concert also included DJ R2 and DJ ARI as exceptional performers. Additionally, the concert introduced a pioneering concept of ticket-type NFT, which combined ticket functionality with on-site authentication for entry. This innovative approach enhanced the concert's uniqueness, as each ticket-type NFT also included a Make Your Color branded album kit alongside the concert admission. Another campaign with Hyosung, Art Contest Hyosung strives to introduce and share its ESG activities with the public through various campaigns. We continuously prepare for new initiatives, aiming to make their environmental movement more familiar and accessible to many people. Recently, Hyosung organized a special art contest and set up a pop-up store to create a connection between individuals and advanced materials, which are often complex to understand. These efforts provide an opportunity for more people to experience Hyosung's products and witness our sincere commitment to eco-friendliness. The art contest, featuring members of the Pixpills visual arts community, invited artists to collaborate on works inspired by Hyosung's advanced materials. The selected artworks were displayed in a dedicated pop-up store. Over 60 artists from Pixpills participated in the eco-friendly art contest, and the jury selected unique and imaginative works that visually represented Hyosung Advanced Materials' future-oriented technologies and eco-friendly products. The winning works (40 in total) and outstanding works (16 in total) were exhibited at the eco-friendly pop-up store in Seongsu-dong, which Hyosung prepared. These selected artworks not only adorned the pop-up store but also served as label designs for advanced material beer merchandise and were featured in social media content to promote the store. Eco-friendly Pop-up Store of Hyosung Advanced Materials Hyosung held an eco-friendly pop-up store in Seongsu-dong in Seoul, the trendiest location in connection with the eco-friendly art contest to express eco-friendly themes of advanced materials in an ingenious and novel visual design. Hosted at the MUSINSA Terrace, the eco-friendly pop-up store aimed to familiarize the public with Hyosung's special technologies by showcasing artworks from the art competition. The exhibition displayed the winning pieces, as well as collaborations with the trendy fashion brand, the clothing label KANGHYUK. In addition, eco-friendly bags made with Hyosung Advanced Materials' airbag fabric were also introduced, under the brand RE:GEN. The DJ booth created a dynamic environment by playing various genres of music that catered to customers of all ages, in addition to live DJ performances. There were also various events held for visitors to the pop-up store, such as an event where customers could take home their favorite poster made from the entries of the art competition. It also has a brand cafe with Hyosung's logo on it, making it a more special eco-friendly pop-up store. Hyosung is always thinking about approaching the public in a friendly way as such pop-up store, and is challenging various fields by collaborating with various artists. It is preparing for a pop-up store where customers can experience and enjoy the brand in person, creating an opportunity to familiarize and introduce Hyosung Advanced Materials' unique technology in a friendly and approachable way. NFT Town Meet-up Party! The NFT Town meetup party was held. It was organized to celebrate the launch of NFT Town, Hyosung's NFT portal service. The purpose of the service is to make NFTs more accessible by simplifying complex concepts, terms, and processes, and to provide an offline experience. The meetup event took place in June and aimed to introduce the services of NFT Town, a comprehensive NFT specialized platform, and allow participants to meet, experience, share, and enjoy NFTs. It also provided an opportunity to interact with Towners who are NFT Town members and served as the first offline event to increase interest in NFTs. Communicating with the public through Hyosung's RE:GEN branding Since 2004, when the term "ESG" was first coined and formally recognized by the international community, including the United Nations, Hyosung has been at the forefront of sustainable practices. Even before the concept of sustainable development and ESG management gained widespread acceptance, Hyosung took the initiative to develop polyester yarn from recycled plastic bottles, becoming the first company in Korea to do so in 2008. Hyosung Group has long been committed to environmental stewardship, corporate social responsibility, and win-win management. Rather than treating ESG management as a separate activity from its core business, the company views it as a driving force for innovation and a means to differentiate itself in the market. ESG management has been integrated throughout the group, with a specific goal to "‘Reply to Every Generation" through its ESG brand, RE:GEN, which emphasizes practical ESG management and social performance. RE:GEN, initially launched as an eco-friendly textile brand, has evolved to become Hyosung's identity as a premium global brand. It represents the company's comprehensive management approach that constantly innovates and strives to meet the sustainability needs of all generations, present and future. At Hyosung, RE:GEN represents a collective effort across the group to combine environmental, social, and governance improvements with practical technologies, creating a virtuous cycle for both society and the company. Each Hyosung affiliate has its own unique theme within the RE:GEN framework: RE:GEN NEW ENERGY (Hyosung Heavy Industries), RE:GEN SMART IT (Hyosung TNS), RE:GEN ECO LIFESTYLE (Hyosung TNC), RE:GEN FUTURE MATERIALS (Hyosung Advanced Materials), and RE:GEN NEXT CHEMISTRY (Hyosung Chemical). By applying these themes, RE:GEN strives for substantial ESG management with core values centered around RECYCLE, UPCYCLE, ZERO & NEW ENERGY, and SAVE, aiming to achieve authentic and impactful ESG practices. Collaboration through Hyosung RE:GEN Alliance Hyosung is committed to implementing tangible and genuine ESG management across its various affiliate companies. As part of this commitment, Hyosung Group operates the ESG brand RE:GEN and is dedicated to fostering a sustainable future and building a transparent and ethical society through the practice of ESG management. Recognizing the limitations of creating social impact alone, Hyosung has established the RE:GEN Alliance—an invaluable partnership and meaningful collaboration aimed at sharing ESG management practices, driving awareness and initiating positive change throughout society. The RE:GEN Alliance, in collaboration with Hyosung Group, is committed to generating social impact through ESG management, guided by core values that include cooperation for a better future, responsibility towards all generations, resource sharing for the greater good, and a drive to achieve tangible results through concrete ESG practices. Hyosung works closely with alliance partners including HARLIE K, 119Reo, Luca Lab, Axoo, LAR, Montsenu, OWNU, Continew, EGS, Understand Avenue, and Trashbusters. Hyosung remains dedicated to addressing the diverse environmental and social challenges we face and believes in meaningful collaboration with its alliance partners to create a brighter tomorrow and a better future that cannot be achieved alone. Through the previous Some Sevit ESG Color Festival and the Hyosung TANSOME X Make Your Color music concert, Hyosung took the opportunity to introduce its materials, showcase their diverse applications and boundless possibilities, and raise awareness of Hyosung's ESG activities, including the circular economy initiatives pursued by RE:GEN, Hyosung's ESG brand. The Hyosung Advanced Materials Art Competition and Pop-Up Store this year follow the same path, presenting Hyosung's commitment to the environment and the core ESG values we uphold. We aim to ensure that Hyosung's technological expertise, acknowledged in B2B settings, is accessible to the general public. Hyosung seeks various means to engage with the public and inform them about our endeavors and the development of technologies the company undertakes for the planet. It eagerly anticipates various opportunities to connect with the public, allowing them to understand how Hyosung's eco-friendly materials are utilized and incorporated to safeguard the Earth.



Together, We Go Further: Meaningful Companionship

The artist Vincent van Gogh said, "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Hyosung constantly invest in R&D to create a better future and a sustainable tomorrow while striving for ethical management through environmental protection and social contribution. Having partners who share our vision, are dedicated to ongoing collaboration, and are dedicated to achieving our shared goals will enable us to make a greater impact and reach further in the future. Hyosung has partnered with valuable group of allies and partners called the RE:GEN Alliance, which shares the same vision and committed to walking together toward a future. Hyosung encourages the growth of RE:GEN Alliance partners to create tomorrow for the next generation and has prepared various ways to coexist. Today, Hyosung will present how to pave the way for a better future with its partners. The Beginning of Mutual Growth, Win-Win Partnership Fund for Rural Areas and Small Businesses The Rural Community Win-Win Partnership Fund were created to promote farm and fishing villages development. They encourage collaboration among large, small, and medium-sized agriculture and fisheries enterprises to drive progress toward a better future for Korea by creating shared value. The Rural Community Win-Win Partnership Fund was launched to enhance the competitiveness of farmers and fishermen and to strengthen the mutual growth infrastructure between large companies and SMEs. Win-win cooperation funds are used in rural areas to encourage private investment in pending issues that cannot be resolved by public investment alone and to present new growth solutions. By providing opportunities for farming and fishing villages, we offer opportunities to do business and new business opportunities by suggesting business directions or items and support for systematic social contribution activities. Helping companies create business opportunities, expand, and pave the way for sustainable growth is all the more meaningful than just supporting economic investment. Hyosung's Contribution to Win-win Partnership Fund for Rural Areas and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises To strengthen ESG management and grow together with farming and fishing villages and small and medium-sized enterprises, Hyosung recently donated the Win-win Cooperation Funds to large, small, and medium-sized enterprises and the Agricultural and Fishery Cooperation Foundation. Hyosung Co., Ltd., Hyosung TNC, Hyosung Heavy Industries, Hyosung Advanced Materials, and Hyosung Chemical Co., Ltd. KRW 4.5 billion was donated for win-win cooperation between farmers and fishermen, and KRW 5.5 billion was donated for win-win cooperation between small and medium-sized businesses. Hyosung has invested in Rural Community Win-Win Fund so that eco-friendly technology-applied products can be provided, including the production of products using Hyosung TNC's eco-friendly yarn regen and agricultural product dryers made of carbon fiber TANSOME®, which is a high-efficiency heating element of Hyosung Advanced Materials, in farming and fishing villages, along with the conservation of marine biodiversity. It is also intended to be used to revitalize the local economy and communicate with stakeholders through the construction of local education facilities and the purchase of products. Furthermore, the SME Win-Win Fund supports safety equipment, such as body cameras, airbag vests, and remote inspection facilities, to enhance suppliers' safety and quality levels. To support suppliers' effort to reduce energy consumption and carbon labeling, we decide to support start-ups discovered through open innovation, develop eco-friendly materials for SMEs, and open flagship stores. As part of its commitment, Hyosung will support enhancing competitiveness, stabilizing management, and exploring coexistence possibilities with partner companies and farming and fishing villages. By participating in the public-private partnership fund, Hyosung also pledges to strengthen its carbon neutrality and ESG management capabilities, which are increasingly important at the global level. A Meaningful Cooperation for the Environment, RE:GEN ALLIANCE Hyosung believes that by supporting SMEs that will achieve the meaning and value of Hyosung's ESG brand RE:GEN together with the support of the SME win-win fund, we can achieve great achievements that will grow together and create a sustainable future and a better future. Hyosung is proclaiming and operating the ESG brand RE:GEN, promising ESG activities to create a planet for all generations. Hyosung's RE:GEN aims to improve the environment of the planet and realize a sustainable future through ESG activities by adding Hyosung's technological capabilities centering on core values such as circular economy, carbon neutrality, renewable energy and smart reduction. However, we recognized that there are limitations solely due to Hyosung's own activities, and together we will form RE:GEN Alliance with SMEs to understand the value of RE:GEN, realize carbon neutrality, change society and create an innovative and transparent management culture. We will start a meaningful accompaniment to integrate our practices and changes of many SMEs who have become members of the RE:GEN ALLIANCE to create an overall wave of society. Hyosung will strive to become an ESG alliance that supports our partners to increase their competitiveness, achieves small growth in succession with companies that share RE:GEN's will and vision, and achieves a sustainable future and social achievement. Accompanying the All Species, RE:GEN GUARDIAN Hyosung intends to use the Rural Community Win-Win Fund to preserve the safe living of various creatures on the planet, especially marine life. In addition to supporting the circular economy, carbon neutrality, new energy, and resource reduction practices, Hyosung prepares a habitat for various creatures to live and protects the disappearing species. One of the projects is the Marine Forest Management Project, which has been carrying out a range of sustained and diverse activities such as restoring marine protected creatures, wetland purification activities, creating resting areas, monitoring habitat environments, and collecting abandoned fishing gear. Having started a marine forest management project in 2022 to protect marine protected habitats, Hyosung is committed to restoring and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems. Hyosung Co., Ltd., Hyosung T & C Co., and Hyosung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd expanded the marine forest management project to include all group companies from 2023. Since then, Hyosung has expanded its awareness of the right of all species to survive, the awareness of responsibility for improving the environment of all species, the value of coexistence that the survival of all species is the survival of human beings and bold initiatives for improvement through practice. A new initiative, the RE:GEN GUARDIAN, was launched to accompany all species. Hyosung Group is dedicated to creating a sustainable planet and making a better tomorrow, and we work to improve our society’s environment. Practicing ethical management, protecting the environment, and contributing to society are always challenging for an organization. Recognizing that social performance cannot be created solely by oneself, Hyosung seeks meaningful companionship and moves forward. Hyosung is looking forward to creating synergies in ESG management by partnering with companies that share true values and a desire to realize those values. RE:GEN GUARDIAN project will continue to protect the planet’s well-being, the conservation of ecosystems, and the rights of all living beings. Hyosung has taken the first steps to protect life, protect the planet, and protect the lives of all generations who will live on Earth. We aspire to walk that path with our RE:GEN ALLINACE partners. To preserve the precious lives of this land and its natural heritage for future generations, keep in touch with Hyosung's meaningful companion. We will unite Hyosung's current practices for a magnificent future and a brilliant tomorrow.



Introduction to Hyosung TNC, the Lifestyle Facilitator for the Future

Hyosung TNC, a core part of the Hyosung Group, has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1957 as Tongyang Nylon. Over the past 67 years, the company has evolved into an industry-leading fiber company with a strong foothold in the global spandex market. Not only recognized for its technological prowess and superior quality, but Hyosung TNC also boasts innovative and eco-friendly fiber brands. In order to stay ahead in the competitive market and foster customer satisfaction, Hyosung TNC understands the importance of providing an integrated brand experience. Despite its reputation, Hyosung TNC believes that embracing change and being resilient are crucial to achieving further sales growth and enhancing customer convenience. To this end, the company has undergone a brand renewal, built on the strong foundation of its existing values and traditions, while also embracing innovation to align with evolving trends. The goal is to expand B2C2B awareness, bridging the gap between the company and customers, and positioning ourselves as a true sustainable fashion leader. Hyosung TNC proudly presents two renewed brands, CREORA and regen, which reflect its commitment to sustainable fashion and aspiration to become a lifestyle facilitator. Hyosung TNC envisions being a leader of new innovations and experiences that empower individuals to embrace sustainable choices and experiences that transcend ordinary lifestyles. CREORA and regen, newly born brands. Hyosung TNC previously divided its brands by product type, with various fiber brands including the world-leading CREORA spandex, as well as functional nylon and polyester fiber brands, and eco-friendly fiber brand, regen. Hyosung TNC's eco-friendly fiber brand, regen which is offered in the three fiber types, spandex, nylon and polyester, has gained attention as a brand that pursues sustainable fashion by solving both quality and environmental issues through outstanding sustainable recycled fiber technology with added functionality. Hyosung TNC undertook a significant brand renewal, aiming to establish a new brand system that transcends the limitations of a B2B company focused on yarn manufacturing and supply. The goal is to transform Hyosung TNC into a sustainable lifestyle facilitator that fosters an eco-friendly ecosystem to support customers' lifestyles and contribute to a sustainable future. This strategic move simplifies brand recognition for consumers and marks the initial step in Hyosung TNC's journey towards becoming a leading force in the fashion and lifestyle industry. The functional fiber that soars higher, CREORA® Hyosung TNC's CREORA® is a leading brand, representing high functionality and pioneering new lifestyles for consumers worldwide. CREORA®’s success is a result of relentless dedication to innovation and a differentiated marketing approach, all underpinned by a global network comprising specialized production and R&D teams, regional sales, and technical service experts worldwide, propelling the brand's growth. With proprietary production technology, Hyosung TNC drives the continuous development of new spandex products with a diverse range of functions, enhancing the quality of fiber products, optimizing customers' productivity. - CREORA® COLOR+ : Regular spandex products have a characteristic of not being dyeable, while Color+ spandex products can be dyed with acid dyes together with nylon. They have excellent dyeability and washing resistance, which can improve the grin-through phenomenon on the fabric, and have the advantage of having deep, vivid colors on the fabric. - CREORA® BLACK : This spandex addresses the grin-through problem commonly encountered in regular spandex, which causes a whitish appearance when dark-colored fabrics are stretched. This inherent black-colored spandex enables deep and luxurious colors that were previously unattainable with conventional materials. - CREORA® Power Fit : This spandex has excellent elasticity and heat resistance, ensuring that the fabric retains its elasticity even during high-temperature setting or dyeing processes. Particularly, when dyed with dispersed dyes in combination with polyester yarn, it allows for high-temperature dyeing, resulting in outstanding colors and excellent colorfastness. - CREORA® Highclo™ : This spandex is designed to overcome the issue of damage caused by chlorine exposure. It is mainly used in swimwear to enhance durability. Chlorine, which is commonly used for pool disinfection, and chlorine-based bleaching agents used during washing and processing can lead to degradation of spandex. However, this specialized spandex prevents such degradation, ensuring that swimwear maintains its durability over time. - CREORA® Eco-Soft : This spandex boasts a low-temperature setting capability, providing a soft touch and pure white color. Unlike regular spandex, it can be heat-set at lower temperatures, preventing yellowing and heat damage when combined with heat-sensitive materials. It offers excellent dimensional stability and a smooth touch. Fabric manufacturers can achieve energy savings by reducing fuel consumption and cost-effectiveness by improving productivity through faster tethering speeds during the heat-setting process. This makes it an eco-friendly and economical choice for spandex. - CREORA® SteamSet+ : This spandex is capable of steam-setting, offering excellent dimensional stability and a soft touch even without high-temperature heat-setting processes. It is used in products such as stockings, socks, and seamless garments that undergo steam-setting. - CREORA® Soft Fit : This spandex, with its soft elasticity and powerful stretch, provides comfortable wear in clothing. It is primarily used in products such as socks and stockings, offering a comfortable fit. - CREORA® Luminous : This spandex is used in the manufacturing process of Core Spun Yarn to inspect the presence of spandex within the relative yarn using UV light. It helps reduce quality defects in Core Spun Yarn, enabling the supply of higher-quality products to customers. - CREORA® Comfort : This spandex is specifically designed for use in diapers, showcasing unrivaled technology in the hygiene products market. Hyosung TNC's spandex brand, CREORA, produces exceptional and diverse types of spandex, including functional fibers like nylon and polyester. With Hyosung TNC’s overall brand renewal, CREORA is now being presented anew. Positioned as a leading brand that transcends consumers' lifestyle boundaries and pioneers new territories, CREORA is expected to play the role of a SUPER LIFESTYLE SEEKER, bringing forth exciting innovations. We look forward to witnessing CREORA's journey as it is reborn to lead the way in the industry. A fiber that considers the environment, regen Hyosung TNC is a company with advanced technology in producing eco-friendly versions of the three major synthetic fibers, spandex, nylon and polyester. Its integrated eco-friendly fiber brand, regen, emerged as an environmentally friendly fiber brand in the early 2000s, when fast fashion was gaining prominence. Even during times when the fashion industry paid little attention to environmental concerns, Hyosung TNC dedicated efforts to developing and researching eco-friendly yarns. In 2007, a significant breakthrough was achieved with the successful development of regen Ocean Nylon, utilizing materials recovered from discarded fishing nets and ropes, making Hyosung TNC the first in the world to do so. In 2008, they continued our pioneering efforts by producing regen Polyester, made from recycled PET bottles. Today, Hyosung TNC stands as a company producing high-performance recycled yarn, including the three major synthetic fibers, and operates under the eco-friendly fiber brand, regen. regen Spandex: This eco-friendly product is created by Hyosung TNC, combining our excellent CREORA Spandex technology and recycling technology with 100% recycled waste materials. Compared to regular spandex production, it reduces carbon emissions by approximately 60%. Producing one ton of regen Spandex is equivalent to the carbon reduction effect of planting 889 pine trees over 30 years. regen Nylon : Hyosung TNC is one of the world's first to develop the technology for producing industrial waste-recycled nylon, regen Nylon. We have since been producing various functional nylons, such as regen Aqua-X nylon, which provides cooling and quick-drying properties for swimwear and activewear, and regen Robic nylon, a strong and lightweight eco-friendly nylon with excellent resistance to wind, impact, friction, and abrasion. Regen Ocean Nylon: Hyosung TNC produces regen Ocean Nylon, a yarn made from discarded fishing nets, which are considered a major culprit in marine ecosystem destruction. By utilizing these discarded fishing nets and promoting resource circulation, regen Ocean Nylon adds new value to ocean waste fishing nets without incinerating them. To ensure a continuous supply and production, Hyosung TNC is expanding its depolymerization facilities. Regen Polyester: Hyosung TNC has garnered attention for its eco-friendly recycled polyester fiber, made from collected discarded PET bottles, which incorporates various functionalities. The company has developed a range of eco-friendly materials with diverse functionalities, such as regen Askin with cooling properties, regen Cotna preserving the soft touch of cotton fabric, regen Aerolight with exceptional lightweight features, regen Aerosilver with antimicrobial capabilities, regen Xanadu with excellent stretchability, and regen Aerocool designed for quick-drying properties. Regen Ocean Polyester: Hyosung TNC collects waste PET bottles in theocean to produce regen Ocean Polyester, ensuring that plastic flowing into the sea does not threaten marine life. The company’s efforts in preventing marine ecosystem pollution have been recognized, and Hyosung TNC has received the OBP (Ocean Bound Plastic) certification. Hyosung TNC aims to create a sustainable loop by utilizing environmentally conscious fiber technology, envisioning a greener future. Through our brand revamping, regen has been established as the leading brand for eco-friendly fiber materials, seeking to enhance its recognition among consumers and solidify Hyosung TNC’s position in the global market while expanding its reach. Hyosung TNC has undergone a total brand renewal, driven by eco-friendly technological innovations, to go beyond being a fiber supplier and emerge as a lifestyle facilitator. With a commitment to surpassing the boundaries of consumer lifestyles and leading in new territories, the company seeks to establish our leading functional brand, CREORA, as a trailblazer in innovation and experiences. Simultaneously, the eco-friendly fiber brand, regen, envisions a greener future, creating a sustainable loop through environmentally conscious fiber technology. Now, with these two brands, Hyosung TNC aims to take on a new role as a lifestyle facilitator, delivering new endeavors and efforts. Anticipate our contribution to the latest fiber trends and leading the way in driving changes and innovations in lifestyles. We hope you look forward to witnessing the transformation of Hyosung TNC.



Introduction to the TNC Brand Renewal Project

Hyosung TNC is a leading company with exceptional technological capabilities in spandex, nylon, polyester yarn, and fabric, including functional and eco-friendly fibers. As a globally recognized industry leader, Hyosung TNC embarks on a brand revamping project to be reborn as a Lifestyle Facilitator, driving sustainable lifestyles. Based on the remarkable technological innovation in spandex, nylon, and polyester, the brand revamping will establish CREORA, which was originally the spandex brand, as the representative brand for the functional fiber group. Additionally, with unique eco-friendly technologies enabling the recycling of all three major synthetic fibers, Hyosung's eco-friendly brand, regen, will be repositioned as the representative brand for the eco-friendly fiber group. Through this brand restructuring, Hyosung TNC aspires to pursue "Innovation for Better Lifestyle & Tomorrow," transcending the limits of fashion and pioneering new boundaries in lifestyles. The company aims to be a brand of innovation, a facilitator for creating a sustainable future, and to be born anew. Hyosung TNC's new leap, CREORA & regen Hyosung TNC offers spandex with global No.1 market share which was known by its brand name CREORA, and the eco-friendly fiber brand, regen, in the sustainable fiber market. Going beyond the limitations of a B2B company that simply manufactures and supplies yarn, Hyosung TNC is preparing to become an innovator in supporting people's desired new lifestyles through functional fibers and developing and producing eco-friendly fibers to create a sustainable future. We are striving to build a global eco-friendly ecosystem, becoming a pioneer in this field. Hyosung TNC is attempting brand revamping to establish a NEW brand system, integrating our fiber brands, including the core spandex brand CREORA, in order to transcend the role of a mere fiber maker and elevate the value of the lifestyle industry, including fashion. The newly born brand, CREORA, aspires to be a 'SUPER LIFESTYLE SEEKER,' presenting innovative functional fibers that pioneer new boundaries in lifestyles, leading beyond the limitations of consumer lifestyles, and becoming a trailblazing brand. Furthermore, the newly structured brand, regen, aligns with Hyosung TNC's original intentions, putting the environment first, and aims to grow into a leading brand that innovates the global eco-system. With top-notch technological capabilities, Hyosung TNC excels in producing eco-friendly recycled fibers with functionalities. As the innovative eco-friendly fiber brand, we embrace the vision of "Eco Material for the Next Generation," striving incessantly to foster the boundless growth of eco-friendly fibers and develop technological prowess for a better tomorrow. Transformation into a facilitator leading a sustainable lifestyle Hyosung TNC has solidified the position of its eco-friendly fiber brand, regen, by continuously developing diverse eco-friendly yarns. As environmental awareness rises in the fashion industry, slow fashion has naturally emerged as a trend, leading more companies to seek Hyosung TNC's regen. With a growing interest in outdoor and leisure activities, there is a surge in demand for functional clothing and products, prompting brands in this field to seek Hyosung TNC's certified eco-friendly and functional yarns. However, as a B2B company supplying yarns to fashion brands, it is not easy for the general public to know that Hyosung TNC's yarns are used in many eco-friendly and functional clothing brands and products. Hyosung TNC has recognized the need for brand revamping to widely promote its genuine commitment to creating a sustainable future and establish itself as a leader in the fiber and yarn industry, receiving numerous requests from various brands. Its focus on eco-friendly endeavors began 20 years ago, not driven by immediate demand but with the future sustainability in mind. It aims to continue leading the way towards a sustainable lifestyle with our environmentally conscious technological capabilities, directly engaging consumers as a facilitator, surpassing the boundaries of fashion, and providing innovative experiences, thus shaping a new image for Hyosung TNC that embodies the future of possibilities. Hyosung TNC is evolving under the ESG management embraced by Hyosung Group, with the theme of RE:GEN ECO-LIFESTYLE, aiming to promote sustainable lifestyles for all generations. As part of this endeavor, Hyosung TNC is undertaking brand revamping by redefining the brand architecture encompassing numerous fiber brands that embody their technological capabilities. The renewed Hyosung TNC not only leads the way towards a sustainable future with its representative functional fiber brand, CREORA, and eco-friendly fiber brand, regen, but also be positioned as a pioneering brand that transcends the boundaries of fashion and explores new territories in lifestyle. What is particularly promising about Hyosung TNC's future is our capacity to develop sustainable and eco-friendly materials for tomorrow, as well as introduce materials that transcend limitations, expanding our future possibilities. As a lifestyle facilitator creating innovations for a better lifestyle and sustainable future, let's look forward to the future of Hyosung TNC.