Sustainability External evaluation

Sustainability External evaluation

Evaluations and Ratings

Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability

Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability

The Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to advance the Korean capital market by revising key codes and promoting their activation. KCGS provides ESG evaluations for all companies listed on the stock market to contribute to the market’s development. The evaluation results are used in the composition of the responsible investment index by the Korea Exchange (KRX).

FY Overall rating Environmental Social Corporate governance
2024 B+ A A+ B
2023 A A+ A+ B+
2022 A A A+ B+
  • The rating scale consists of a total of 7 levels, in descending order: S, A+, A, B+, B, C, and D.


Sustinvest is a leading company in the domestic social responsible investment industry. It offers ESG evaluation, analysis, and advisory services to companies listed on the stock market. The evaluation results are provided to the largest social responsibility investment funds in Korea, including pension funds.

FY Overall rating
2024 C
2023 BB
2022 BB
  • The rating scale consists of a total of 7 levels, in descending order: AA, A+, BB, B, C, D, and E.
CDP Disclosure Insight Action


CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) evaluates climate change response strategies, greenhouse gas emission information, mitigation efforts, and more for major publicly listed companies worldwide, providing this information to investors and financial institutions.

FY Climate Change Suppler Engagement
2023 A- B
2022 B B
  • The evaluation rating consists of a total of 8 levels, with the highest being Leadership (A, A-), followed by Management (B, B-), Awareness (C, C-), and Disclosure (D, D-).


Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) is a global rating agency created by one of the world's three major investment banks, Morgan Stanley. Since 2009, it has been publicly releasing ESG indices that annually evaluate a total of 10 sectors and 35 core issues by industry based on disclosed data from over 2,800 companies worldwide.

FY Overall rating
2024 A
2023 AA
2022 BBB
  • The rating scale consists of a total of 7 levels, in descending order: AAA, AA,, A, BBB,, BB, B, and CCC.
  • 0 to 10 points for each area (out of 10 points)
  • Awards

    • 2024
      Rural Areas ESG Awards

      Top 10 Company

      Men of Rural Areas ESG Merit


      Selected Companies for Sponsorship in the Conservation of Endangered Species

      National Institute of Ecology

    • 2023
      "Korea Management Award"

      Innovation Best Practice Product of the year

      "Rural Areas ESG Awards"
    • 2022
      "King Sejong Award"

      Develops sustainable manufacturing methods for synthetic fibers

    • 2021
      "CDP Carbon Management Award"

      Recognition for carbon information disclosure and efforts in climate change mitigation

      Grand Prize in the "Seoul City Environmental Awards”

      Award for recycling discarded PET bottles in Seoul to produce "regen Seoul" polyester