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Today’s Highlights



Fashion Industry to Innovate With Discarded Plastics

Influencers are setting the trend on social media with their respective personality and charm. What they do and wear gain attention and followers. Their influence is not confined to domestic audience but reaching out to global users via social medial, especially centering around the MZ generation. With all eyes on themselves, these influencers try out new clothing on a daily basis to differentiate, gain new followers and continue to create buzz. Their followers who admire and relate to them often follow suit the influencers’ pattern of consumption, further facilitating the cycle of fast fashion. The biggest issue of the fast fashion industry is its environmental impact. According to UNECE (UN Economic Commission for Europe), fashion industry as a whole account for 20 percent of water consumption and 10 percent of carbon dioxide emissions across different industries in the world. Its manufacturing process requires lots of resource input and emits greenhouse gas, a main culprit of climate change. Its distribution process also has a large carbon footprint across the world as clothes manufactured in countries with cheap labor travel around the world before they are purchased by end-users. Clothes never sold are either incinerated or end up in landfill. As such, fashion industry is now faced with a new challenge of fulfilling the need of the day, preservation of environment, while continues to put forth beautiful and unique clothes. With many celebrities voicing their concerns about the environment, the general public are increasingly awakened to the importance of the environmental issue. Global Web Index, a UK-based marketing company, released a report that 61 percent of the millennials are aware of the issue and willing to purchase ‘green products’ even if they are pricier than others. In other words, we now have a growing demographic of ‘eco consumers’ who make their consumption choices in consideration of environmental issues. The corporate world is also responding and it is not only fashion industry but also other industries that have been responsive. Hyosung is no exception. It has been working tirelessly to lead a sustainable fashion industry and develop eco-friendly materials. Hyosung TNC, for instance, has developed recycled textiles for polyester, nylon, and spandex for the first time in Korea. In so doing, Hyosung TNC has contributed to cutting down on plastic consumption in the clothing manufacturing process and promoting plastic recycling. Here are some of the company’s innovative products, a by-product of its continuous research and development endeavor. First recycled polyester yarn in Korea, regen Hyosung regen is the first product in Korea that applied a technology that recycles discarded PET bottles. Regen polyester contributes to reducing landfill volume and CO2 emissions. Based on its 15-year know-how and technology, Hyosung has created a recycled yarn that maintains the function and quality of virgin polyester. It has been working on materialistic and chemical recycling through its R&D efforts. As such, Hyosung TNC continues to offer green products, protect environments, and create a responsible consumption culture among consumers and corporates. World’s best recycled nylon yarn, regen Ocean Nylon Hyosung TNC has worked together with local fishing communities to separately discard waste fishing nets so that they can be easily recycled. Collaborating with venture companies working on sustainability, Hyosung TNC collects, shreds, and cleans waste fishing nets for pre-production process. After this, the fishing net waste are melted to separate raw materials to be recycled to regen Ocean Nylon, creating a virtuous cycle. regen® Jeju, a recycled yarn from used PET bottles in Jeju Hyosung TNC is committed to turning discarded PET bottles from Jeju into recycled yarns. To that end, the company has formed an MOU with the Jeju Special Self-governing province, Ministry of Environment and Jeju Province Development Corporation for a project of recycling PET bottle waste in Jeju into plastic bags. This should be a good example of positive influence by a private-public cooperation. Under this project, the Ministry of Environment and Jeju local government established the so-called ‘Clean House’ system of household waste collection facilities while Jeju Development Corporation collects discarded PET bottles. These PET bottle wastes are fed into Hyosung TNC’s manufacturing system to produce regen® Jeju, the 100% recycled yarn, which is then used for production of fashion items under the brand of Pleatsmama. A knit pleats bag produced by Pleastsmama out of this virtuous cycle uses 16 PET bottles of 500ml. regen Spandex made of recycled waste regen Spandex is 100% recycled spandex made of reclaimed waste, which is not only eco-friendly but also boasts excellent functions. Its global market share is over 30%, securing global number one name. Hyosung TNC has also been on a journey to develop various types of eco-friendly recycled yarns. After all, fashion is about reflecting who you are in a stylish manner. But fast fashion industry is blamed for its role in environmental degradation to speed up climate crisis. Realistically, it is almost impossible to put a stop to clothing manufacturing and purchase. This is where innovation in technology come in handy. With the innovative technology of recycling discarded PET bottles into a yarn while cutting down on carbon footprint of the whole fashion manufacturing process, we can move a step closer to addressing environmental issues caused by the fashion industry as a whole. Hyosung TNC is committed to taking the leadership in creating such a virtuous manufacturing cycle with its innovative technology, and to continuing its pursuit of a sound manufacturing industry going forward.



Eco-Friendly regen Functional Lineup, With Seven Astonishing Features

Influencers are setting the trend on social media with their respective personality and charm. What they do and wear gain attention and followers. Their influence is not confined to domestic audience but reaching out to global users via social medial, especially centering around the MZ generation. With all eyes on themselves, these influencers try out new clothing on a daily basis to differentiate, gain new followers and continue to create buzz. Their followers who admire and relate to them often follow suit the influencers’ pattern of consumption, further facilitating the cycle of fast fashion. The biggest issue of the fast fashion industry is its environmental impact. According to UNECE (UN Economic Commission for Europe), fashion industry as a whole account for 20 percent of water consumption and 10 percent of carbon dioxide emissions across different industries in the world. Its manufacturing process requires lots of resource input and emits greenhouse gas, a main culprit of climate change. Its distribution process also has a large carbon footprint across the world as clothes manufactured in countries with cheap labor travel around the world before they are purchased by end-users. Clothes never sold are either incinerated or end up in landfill. As such, fashion industry is now faced with a new challenge of fulfilling the need of the day, preservation of environment, while continues to put forth beautiful and unique clothes. With many celebrities voicing their concerns about the environment, the general public are increasingly awakened to the importance of the environmental issue. Global Web Index, a UK-based marketing company, released a report that 61 percent of the millennials are aware of the issue and willing to purchase ‘green products’ even if they are pricier than others. In other words, we now have a growing demographic of ‘eco consumers’ who make their consumption choices in consideration of environmental issues. The corporate world is also responding and it is not only fashion industry but also other industries that have been responsive. Hyosung is no exception. It has been working tirelessly to lead a sustainable fashion industry and develop eco-friendly materials. Hyosung TNC, for instance, has developed recycled textiles for polyester, nylon, and spandex for the first time in Korea. In so doing, Hyosung TNC has contributed to cutting down on plastic consumption in the clothing manufacturing process and promoting plastic recycling. Here are some of the company’s innovative products, a by-product of its continuous research and development endeavor. First recycled polyester yarn in Korea, regen Hyosung regen is the first product in Korea that applied a technology that recycles discarded PET bottles. Regen polyester contributes to reducing landfill volume and CO2 emissions. Based on its 15-year know-how and technology, Hyosung has created a recycled yarn that maintains the function and quality of virgin polyester. It has been working on materialistic and chemical recycling through its R&D efforts. As such, Hyosung TNC continues to offer green products, protect environments, and create a responsible consumption culture among consumers and corporates. World’s best recycled nylon yarn, regen Ocean Nylon Hyosung TNC has worked together with local fishing communities to separately discard waste fishing nets so that they can be easily recycled. Collaborating with venture companies working on sustainability, Hyosung TNC collects, shreds, and cleans waste fishing nets for pre-production process. After this, the fishing net waste are melted to separate raw materials to be recycled to regen Ocean Nylon, creating a virtuous cycle. regen® Jeju, a recycled yarn from used PET bottles in Jeju Hyosung TNC is committed to turning discarded PET bottles from Jeju into recycled yarns. To that end, the company has formed an MOU with the Jeju Special Self-governing province, Ministry of Environment and Jeju Province Development Corporation for a project of recycling PET bottle waste in Jeju into plastic bags. This should be a good example of positive influence by a private-public cooperation. Under this project, the Ministry of Environment and Jeju local government established the so-called ‘Clean House’ system of household waste collection facilities while Jeju Development Corporation collects discarded PET bottles. These PET bottle wastes are fed into Hyosung TNC’s manufacturing system to produce regen® Jeju, the 100% recycled yarn, which is then used for production of fashion items under the brand of Pleatsmama. A knit pleats bag produced by Pleastsmama out of this virtuous cycle uses 16 PET bottles of 500ml. regen Spandex made of recycled waste regen Spandex is 100% recycled spandex made of reclaimed waste, which is not only eco-friendly but also boasts excellent functions. Its global market share is over 30%, securing global number one name. Hyosung TNC has also been on a journey to develop various types of eco-friendly recycled yarns. After all, fashion is about reflecting who you are in a stylish manner. But fast fashion industry is blamed for its role in environmental degradation to speed up climate crisis. Realistically, it is almost impossible to put a stop to clothing manufacturing and purchase. This is where innovation in technology come in handy. With the innovative technology of recycling discarded PET bottles into a yarn while cutting down on carbon footprint of the whole fashion manufacturing process, we can move a step closer to addressing environmental issues caused by the fashion industry as a whole. Hyosung TNC is committed to taking the leadership in creating such a virtuous manufacturing cycle with its innovative technology, and to continuing its pursuit of a sound manufacturing industry going forward.



Hyosung’s Youth Marketing Targets Generation Z

NFTs (non-fungible tokens), which use block chain technology to authenticate the ownership of digital assets like images and videos, are attracting significant attention with the expansion of the metaverse industry. This is because NFTs play a crucial role in the metaverse economy by securely protecting ownership through unique identifications assigned to digital products. The NFT market is particularly appealing to Generation Z, who are emerging as a primary target audience. As they enter the job market, Generation Z possesses increasing purchasing power and are known as ’digital natives’ who are well-versed in digital culture and enthusiastic about new experiences. With these characteristics, Generation Z readily adopts NFTs, using digital photo cards in fandom culture and engaging in games that feature NFT items, thereby driving the growth of the NFT market. In January, Hyosung Group captured public attention by hosting the ‘Hyosung TANSOME x Make Your Color’ concert, featuring renowned rock bands like No Brain and Lazybone, and introducing NFTs for ticket issuance and sales. Ticket holders were able to enter the concert venue through on-site NFT authentication and received limited edition brand album kits. Hyosung is actively engaged in youth marketing, including the launch of an NFT platform, to specifically target the younger generation. Youth marketing is a corporate strategy that aims to communicate with and meet the values and expectations of the younger generation, who represent the potential of the future customer base. Effective communication forms the basis of this marketing approach, as companies need to genuinely engage with the youth. Simply showcasing technical competencies or activities may not be enough to earn the loyalty and trust of Generation Z. Companies must actively listen to the voices of the youth, incorporate their insights into marketing strategies, develop technologies that align with their environmentally friendly values, and more. As part of their youth marketing initiatives, many companies are striving to build a brand image that resonate with the youth and are involved in various activities tailored to Generation Z’s interests and tastes, such as hosting online and offline events and developing relevant content. Hyosung’s Youth Marketing Project is for, of, and by Generation Z Hyosung Group is a leading player in various industrial sectors, including textiles, heavy industries/construction and industrial equipment. With a 56-year track record of delivering exceptional products and technologies, Hyosung has established strong presence in global markets. However, there is a lack of sufficient brand awareness regarding Hyosung’s products. While older generations in South Korea are familiar with Hyosung and its history, the overall visibility of the brand among younger South Koreans remains low. This is mainly due Hyosung’s identity as a B2B company that primarily engages in business-to-business transactions, rather than direct interactions with end-consumers. As a result, younger consumers rarely come across the Hyosung brand in their daily lives. To target Generation Z as potential future customers, Hyosung has implemented youth marketing activities. Generation Z is known for their heightened environmental awareness and their commitment to creating sustainable future. They embrace lifestyles aligned with veganism and actively seek out products from environmentally conscious companies, making them “greensumers.” Additionally, Generation Z prefers two-way communication, valuing direct expression of opinions over one-sided communication. Hyosung has tailored its marketing efforts to cater these communication preferences and address areas where they can provide practical support to Generation Z. 16th ASL Academic Festival – Exploring Hyosung’s Marketing from the Perspective of College Students The 16th ASL Academic Festival is one of the many youth marketing activities organized by Hyosung, specifically targeting college students. In collaboration with the Association of Strategic Leaders (ASL), this event was designed with three main objectives in mind. Firstly, it aims to assist college students in their job search, which is their primary concern. Secondly, it provides them with an opportunity to gain insights into how companies operate. Lastly, it serves as a platform to promote Hyosung Group to college students, who form an active segment of Generation Z. At this event, held in collaboration with ASL (a forum founded by the Hanyang Strategic Thinking Association (HSTA), Ewha Consulting (ECON), SKKU Society of Strategic Consulting (SSC)), participating students were tasked with developing marketing strategies to enhance Hyosung’s value-add and raise its brand recognition. The 62 students invited to the event were divided into nine teams and worked diligently to complete various assignments. These tasks included conducting an assessment of the Hyosung brand and developing a plan to improve its value among the MZ generation, creating a strategy to differentiate Hyosung’s business and promote the regen brand in alignment with the environment-friendly agenda, and enhancing the market competitiveness of Hyosung’s Harrington Place with its repositioning efforts. By selecting theses three topics, Hyosung addressed real-time world-marketing challenges it currently faces and sought solutions encouraging college students to generate creative and constructive ideas. This collaborative approach allowed Hyosung to tap into the fresh perspective of younger generations and gather valuable insights to enhance its marketing strategies. Hyosung oversaw the strategy development process, which involved studying tasks, an orientation period, sharing and presenting data, and Q&A session. The event provided college students with an opportunity to develop business strategies and gain insights into problem-solving in the workplace. The Hyosung staff served as mentors, offering practical suggestions to enhance the students’ strategies and providing them with valuable practical experience. The event was also valuable for Hyosung staff, as it allowed them to gain fresh insights. Brilliant ideas conceived by Generation Z that yielded practical benefits for Hyosung's marketing strategies The participating students at the festival expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn about Hyosung’s business values, technology development, ESG management and global market position. They were delighted to experience Hyosung’s dedication to the environment and its corporate efforts to make a positive impact. Furthermore, the college students showcased their original thinking abilities and generated brilliant, logical, and feasible ideas. They were adept presenters and witnessed remarkable growth in their skills during short month. On the other hand, the Hyosung staff had chance to gain insights into Generation Z’s perspective of the company. They valued this time to listen to the students’ opinions and engage in branding activities that align with Generation Z’s standards. Overall, it was a valuable and mutually beneficial experience for both the students and the Hyosung staff. Drawing from the insights gained this academic festival, Hyosung intends to establish a platform for open communication with Generation Z. This platform may encompass various initiatives, including similar academic festivals and other forms of content. By utilizing this platform, Hyosung aims to actively listen to the voices of Generation Z and reflect on the type of company they aspire to associate with a and work for. Furthermore, Hyosung will analyze internal challenges and engage in external youth marketing activities to become the ideal company admired by Generation Z. One participant shared their perspective on the festival stating, “Getting information about Hyosung was challenging as it is primarily seen as a B2B company. However, this project provided valuable insights into the various activities and initiatives undertaken by Hyosung in different domains. It helped me understand Hyosung’s focus on targeting Generation Z through youth marketing, and I will continue to show interest in Hyosung’s business.” Another participant emphasized the significance of communication in brand strategy and marketing, saying, “I strongly believe in the importance of communication, and this project reinforced that belief. The exchange of feedback and opinions highlighted the critical role of active idea sharing and feedback in perfecting business strategies in the real world.” Hyosung Group recognized the value of the feedback and opinions shared by the participants, who are Generation Z members with significant potential and influence. To honor their input, Hyosung plans to incorporate the outcomes of the 16th ASL Academic Festival into marketing strategy to enhance brand recognition. The company intends to integrate the ESG strategies and creora® marketing strategies proposed by the participants into its business operations, using them as case studies for a brand marketing campaign. These valuable contributions will serve as preliminary reference materials in the development of ideas and the creation of an environment-friendly brand narrative for Hyosung's strategies within an eco-conscious ecosystem. Additionally, the ideas generated through this festival will be thoughtfully considered and reflected upon as the company formulates its new branding strategy. Expanded digital marketing for steady communication with the future generation Moving forward, Hyosung aims to enhance its digital content marketing to engage in meaningful communication with Generation Z. Recognizing their interest in companies that prioritize environmental protection, Hyosung plans to create content highlighting its environmental technologies and initiatives. Additionally, the company will organize offline events such as environment-themed concerts and academic festivals, offering opportunities for Generation Z, to actively participate. Hyosung understands the importance of personal development, self-realization, personalized experiences, job prospects, and value-driven consumption for this generation. Therefore, the company will continue to provide platforms for Generation Z to gain practical knowledge through direct involvement and participation.



RE:GEN, Reply to Every Generation’s Future

Environment, social and governance(ESG) management is now an essential part of corporate activities that many corporations take seriously as ESG has emerged as one of the major concerns among consumers. As ESG management is becoming increasingly important, some corporations have attempted to take advantage of consumers’ interests in ESG issues, instead of engaging in bona fide ESG activities, which is known as “green washing”. In reality, it is not easy for companies to think and act in a way that benefits the environment, and to link outcomes of their business activities to the environment. It is never an easy task for corporations to consistently invest in preserving the environment, conduct R&D, implement social contribution activities, and manage ethics fairly and transparently, but the consensus is that ESG is not an option. If corporations opt to race on the one-track path of simply profit seeking, it would be much easier for them. But what is the impact on our future? Although it takes more effort and costs more, we all should protect the environment and consider social contribution because we need to ensure a sustainable future for us today and for our future generations. RE:GEN, Reply to Every Generation’s Future Hyosung is working to build a sustainable future for all generations and help them live a happy life although it takes more time and effort. Hyosung does not relegate ESG to a marketing tool strategy, taking ESG more seriously than that. Hyosung does its part in preparing for the future and solving environmental challenges with its technology and commitment to the future generations. Specifically, it has rolled out a plan to contribute to forming a circular economy via 5 ESG themes (recycling and upcycling, carbon neutrality, new and renewable energy and smart reduction) in all of its business areas to promote sustainable ESG management. Some of the core eco-friendly circular economy themed technologies (recycle, upcycle) at Hyosung are aimed at building an ecosystem through tangible technology, products and manufacturing process. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Hyosung Heavy Industries has introduced an energy storage system (ESS), a key technology of new renewable energy, which allows users to save electricity for later use, and replaced materials used in insulators of power apparatuses, such as transformers and gas insulated switchgears, with eco-friendly materials. Furthermore, Hyosung has plans to expand the use of hydrogen energy, which includes construction of liquefied hydrogen plants and hydrogen stations. With the application of TANSOME®, hydrogen-fueled vehicles can be made lightweight, accelerating the arrival of a hydrogen society. Hyosung’s eco-friendly products including polyketone, a type of eco-friendly engineering plastic, and regen, eco-friendly yarn made of recycled waste, contribute to creating a virtuous cycle of resources and achieving carbon neutrality by reducing CO2 emissions. With its technology, it envisions the coexistence of life and technology while preserving nature. RE:GEN, which means “Reply to Every Generation’s Future” embodies the corporate vision that its technology can benefit all generations of the future. Theme#1, Circular Economy(Recycle, Upcycle), Progress in Creating a Sustainable Future for the Next Generation Hyosung’s first step toward creating a sustainable future for the next generation is a circular economy in which waste is recycled into high-value added products. In 2007 when people were not as interested in environmental issues as they are now, Hyosung developed the world’s first technology to extract regen Nylon yarn from waste fishing nets which posed a serious threat to the marine ecosystem. In 2008, it developed and produced regen Polyester yarn made from recycled plastic bottles. Given that abandoned fishing nets and ropes floating in the sea are one of the major causes of the destruction of marine ecosystem, discarded fishing nets were transformed into regen Ocean Nylon with value creation, rather than being burned. It plans to expand its depolymerization facility to steadily increase the production and supply of the nylon. Plastics do pose a threat to humans and all living creatures on Earth, but when it meets Hyosung’s technology, it can be reborn as regen Polyester. Eco-friendly fiber regen Polyester made of used plastics has multiple features too. Hyosung is working with various corporations and organizations to promote upcycling of resources. ‘KANGHYUK’, a fashion brand that has recently garnered publicity produces fashion items with used airbags. Learning that KANGHYUK has difficulty obtaining used airbags, Hyosung Advanced Materials offered the brand the fabric used to make airbags, which is not suitable for sale due to size and other reasons. Airbags that otherwise would have been thrown away without being used or sold have found a new use with KANGHYUK, a trendy and upcoming fashion brand that cares about building a sustainable future, and been reborn into eco-friendly ski suit-style jackets and pants. Well-known upcycling brand ‘CUECLYP’ and ‘Preview In Seoul’ made banners with regen Polyester. Then, used banners were made into phone cases, string corner wallets and pouches, while the regen yarn was used to make umbrellas, wallets, pouches and mini bags. Hyosung TNC focused on value creation from circulating resources that would otherwise be thrown away by transforming used plastic and fishing nets into regen yarn and recycling useless airbags into highfashion accessory. . Saving limited resources of the planet and not generating waste is essential for preserving the environment. But reducing and transforming waste into new resources is equally important. Theme#2, Carbon Neutrality that Reverses Climate Change We often hear that climate change is largely attributed to carbon emissions. Carbon neutrality that is globally practiced to keep the earth’s average temperatures from rising refers to a state in which greenhouse gas emissions, a major cause of global warming, and greenhouse gas absorption are in equilibrium. Hyosung works to reduce carbon emissions through the entire production process including development of ingredients, production of materials, and transportation. Recycling waste plastic into yarn helps create a virtuous cycle of resources and reduce carbon emissions. Hyosung TNC has developed regen Polyester that is made from useful ingredients extracted from used plastic bottles and regen Nylon, recycled nylon made of yarn that is discarded in the process of producing nylon yarn. Hyosung Advanced Materials’ R&D efforts focus on developing lightweight materials and high-strength products in a bid to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy use from mobility including vehicles, and successfully developed TANSOME®, an ultra-lightweight, high-strength material that is four times lighter and 10 times stronger than iron, contributing to making vehicles strong and lightweight. The company also developed lyocell tirecords made of cellulose extracted from wood, which reduces harmful emissions of substances including carbon disulfide and hydrogen sulfide that are generated in the manufacturing process. Use of the new material can help reduce air and water pollution that occurs in the process of disposing these harmful materials. Power, generation and construction divisions of Hyosung Heavy Industries have been making diverse efforts in different areas to contribute to reducing carbon emissions caused by climate change. To this end, it uses ESS that allows users to store electricity when power demand is low, so that it can be used later when necessary, and high early strength concrete to reduce water use. In addition, it employs eco-friendly construction techniques that help decrease emissions of air pollutants in winter. Hyosung Chemical developed polyketone, the world’s first eco-friendly engineering plastic, based on its self-initiated technology using carbon monoxide, a major air pollutant as its main ingredient, and has a relatively lower global warming potential than other types of engineering plastic. Polyketone is used to create various eco-friendly products and technology, thereby reducing negative impacts of its production activities on the environment. Through all these efforts, Hyosung is committed in earnest to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility with positive actions. Theme#3, Nature-Derived Energy Makes Our Life Clean. How can we produce energy we need and still preserve nature? We can do so by making new renewable energy with energy sources that are naturally available to us. Hyosung’s attention has turned to hydrogen, the first element that was created in the universe. We can use hydrogen to create energy as it can be easily converted into water. Using energy made from natural sources for materials, technology, transportation and supply systems is how Hyosung preserves the Earth and cares about future generations. Hyosung contributes to building a sustainable and clean future with its technology and endeavors to tap into hydrogen, solar energy and wind energy bestowed in nature. Theme# 4, Smart reduction: use energy smartly Paper is eco-friendly and biodegradable, doing nature no harm. However, we have to cut down trees and destroy the forest to make paper. Is this really eco-friendly? Although paper itself is biodegradable, reckless use of paper can cause serious damage to the environment and eventually make the planet sick. Hyosung is actively involved in reducing the use of paper at work to protect forests. Hyosung is working to create a paperless office and work environment with minimum waste. Furthermore, Hyosung has presented digital desk technology that allows users to get their job done in a contactless way and without using paper in the financial sector, thereby accelerating office digitalization. Using less paper translates into preserving forests and nature. Just like we cannot preserve nature when we cut down trees to make paper which is a pseudo eco-friendly resource, there are some drawbacks to using nature-derived energy sources including hydrogen, solar and wind energy. Although we produce energy from these sources, wasting energy is detrimental to the environment. So we need technology that can help us use energy more efficiently without keeping the networks waiting longer, which we use every day like the air we breathe. In this sense, Hyosung implements STATCOM and ESS technology to raise energy efficiency by ensuring that hydrogen, solar and wind energy are not wasted when the networks are not in use. Our future will be better than the present with Hyosung’s technology to reduce paper use and standby energy, designs to ensure smart use of energy, and smart technology to implement the designs. We can make the planet healthier by thinking ahead into the future rather than focusing on our needs today to preserve nature and save resources by making recycling part of our daily life and taking actions to protect the environment. We can make the planet more beautiful, and slow the pace of climate change if we reduce waste and recycle resources, create and implement designs that can conserve energy for efficient use, use energy that Mother Nature endows, and work together to reduce carbon emissions. Hyosung hopes everyone living today and all future generations dream of a sustainable future and enjoy their life on a healthy and clean planet, which we will help regain its gleaming luster by engaging in many ESG management activities. The healthy planet for future generations should be conceived by us today. A promise to all future generations! The ESG brand of Hyosung Group RE:GEN will turn our promise into reality.



Hyosung TNC Goes Beyond a Global Textile Brand to Emerge as a “Lifestyle Facilitator”

The global spandex market leader Hyosung TNC has rolled out a variety of textile materials that are “world’s first feats” and “innovative”. Endowed with superior technology, quality and services, the company is leading the global textile market and continues to grow by constantly developing new products and exploring new markets, without resting on its laurels. Notably, the company strives to raise customer confidence and realize customer value by offering customer-centric and differentiated services based on quality and customer-centric management. It is also hard at work creating a virtuous cycle of sustainable renewable textile manufacturing by researching and developing eco-friendly textile materials, propelled by a sense of mission to ensure customer satisfaction and preserve the environment for future generations. As a result, Hyosung TNC has created the world’s first eco-friendly nylon yarn recycled from waste fishing nets, and commercialized the world’s first bio spandex. As a global spandex market leader, it is also the world’s first developer of eco-friendly catalysts necessary for manufacturing polyester textile and Korea’s first to develop nylon material for the inner-liner of fuel tanks used in hydrogen-fueled vehicles. Hyosung TNC has the most number of titles such as “world’s leading or first”. How has the company succeeded in being a global textile market leader? Here are the seven reasons. ① Integrated Textile Company A global textile maker with a wide spectrum of products including high-performance and eco-friendly yards Hyosung TNC is an integrated textile company that consists of three types of chemical fiber yarns, spandex, nylon, and polyester. To meet fast-changing customer needs, it constantly develops and ensures a stable supply of a broad portfolio of products including nylon, polyester and spandex, thereby maximizing customer confidence and satisfaction. As such, the company produces functionally optimized yarns including functional yarn that quickly absorbs and dries sweat and also protects the skin from UV exposure, in addition to sweat odor-reducing yarn, cooling yarn, 99.9% UV-blocking yarn and anti-bacterial yarn. Through these products, various eco-friendly, functional yarns create high added value to the customer as a global integrated textile maker. ② Strong Brand Awareness From global fashion brands to high-performance automobiles Lifestyle yarn “CREORA” is the leading global spandex yarn brand with the largest market share, and the unrivaled integrated yarn brand in South Korea that combines nylon and polyester. The global market-leading spandex that is used in the production of one-third of all stretchy garments worldwide has globally strong brand awareness. The eco-friendly brand “regen” offers sustainable yarns including polyester, nylon and spandex made of recycled waste, along with regen Bio-Based Spandex. regen is closely aligned with multiple global fashion and automobile brands that pursue the value of sustainability and is used in a wide variety of fields, elevating its profile as a global eco-friendly brand. ③ Value Chain Partnership Creating new values through shared growth with various partners and corporate clients Hyosung TNC does more than supply yarns to fashion brands, while it creates new values by building a value chain across the entire fashion industry. It not only works with major global brands to raise market awareness of eco-friendly materials for sustainable growth, but also helps small and medium-sized corporate clients grow their business by penetrating overseas markets and capitalizing on its global network to achieve shared growth. It has organized various programs including online trend expos and seminars to help small and medium-sized corporate clients find overseas buyers as they face headwinds from overseas expos being canceled due to the pandemic. Also, it is working with small fabric and sewing companies to help them expand their business globally. Moreover, Hyosung TNC recommends trends that can best fit each client, and makes customized proposals on development of new fabrics. It then introduces fabrics developed by its partners to major global brands, while constantly seeking to innovate in a bid to grow with its business partners and clients. ④ Fashion Design Center Hyosung TNC presents innovative ideas based on customers’ needs and trends. Hyosung TNC opened its “Fashion Design Center (FDC)”, an in-house R&D center to develop and roll out new products and innovative ideas, based on customer needs of materials and fast-changing fashion industry trends. The company also proposes trends in new materials with a focus on functional and eco-friendly innovative yarns, and promotes these trends on and offline to support the growth of other brands to secure market leadership in both the textile and fashion industries. ⑤ Continuous Innovation Innovation, the core value of Hyosung TNC that drives the company to establish multiple first-ever feats in the industry Owing to developing and producing countless innovative products, Hyosung TNC continues to be committed to R&D investments to continue creating new opportunities and satisfying the needs of consumers and the industry because innovation is never achieved overnight. It requires constant research and dedication over a long period of time. Hyosung TNC is fully aware that all these efforts add up to innovation. The R&D center is at the core of Hyosung’s portfolio that boasts so many “first-ever feats” in the industry, and it is the driving force behind building an innovative future for itself and consumers. ⑥ Brand/Retailer Collaboration Hyosung TNC is involved in active cooperation and creation of synergy effects to practice the value of “togetherness” Hyosung TNC is working closely with multiple brands, retailers and local governments. Particularly, it has been striving to enhance its corporate profile by pursuing active cooperation with global fashion brands, based on a variety of functional yarns. Recently, the company has successfully carried out a recycling project in which used plastic bottles were collected in Seoul and Jeju City and recycled into fabrics named “regen Seoul” and “regen Jeju”, respectively. Hyosung TNC is implementing cooperation projects with different brands based on eco-friendly yarns. As a result, many more global brands, local governments, corporations and non-profit organizations have offered proposals to work with the company. It is striving to relay the value of “togetherness” to consumers as a leader of eco-friendly fashion trends to create new values by working with other brands. ⑦ Global Network Leader Making strides to deliver ‘world’s first achievements’ and a leading global textile brand to reinvent itself as a “lifestyle facilitator” Hyosung TNC continues to secure its growth momentum in the global market by making investments in expanding its production capacity, and marketing and service areas worldwide. It is operating production centers, subsidiaries and branches in various global locations including the U.S., Germany, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, China, Taiwan and Vietnam. We have identified the seven key factors for Hyosung TNC to emerge as the industry leader in the highly competitive global textile market. Hyosung will not rest on its laurels with milestones of being the world’s first and leading brand in its market segments. Instead, it strives to bring greater satisfaction to customers and create more added values for them. Beyond building a global textile brand, Hyosung is determined to make innovations for the planet, and become a lifestyle facilitator that can benefit both humans and nature. For future generations and a healthy planet where people and nature can coexist, Hyosung TNC will continue to advance its track record of developing better technologies and responding to the demand and needs of future generations.